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Section I The shall be
an Annual meeting of the Club held during the first two weeks of September
at a place, date and hour designated before the first of May each year by
the Board of Directors. Section II A Special meeting of the Club may be called by the President, and shall be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a petition stating the purpose of such meeting and signed by 30 percent of the membership, that is in good standing. A Special meeting shall be held at such place, date and hours as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Section III The Board of Directors shall meet when called by the President or upon written request of two members of the Board addressed to the Secretary. The Board may conduct its business by mail through the Secretary, in which case those members of the Board whose vote on any motion, proposal, or issue is received within three weeks after the mailing of notification by the Secretary shall be considered to have been present and voting at a meeting of the Board, provided that replies are received from a sufficient number of the Board members to constitute a quorum of the Board for a meeting. Section IV Written notice of the Annual meeting and of a Special meeting of the Club shall be mailed at least 21 days but not more than 30 days prior to the date of the meeting. The notice of a Special meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting, and no other Club business may be transacted at such meeting. Written notice of each Board meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member of the Board at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Section V A quorum for meeting of the Club shall be 15 voting member or 10 percent of the voting membership, whichever is less. A quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of the current membership of the Board. Section VI Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. Except as otherwise specified in these By-Laws, all matters before the membership at an Annual or Special meeting or by mail ballot, and all matters before the Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority of eligible votes cast at the meeting or on the ballots. Section VII The board of Directors may submit specific questions to the voting membership of the Club for decision by mail ballot. Such balloting shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in Article V. Matters decided in such a manner shall have the full weight and force of matters decided at the meeting of the Club. Section VIII The Minutes of the Annual meeting shall be published in the Club publication not later than the December issue, and the Minutes of a Special meeting shall be published promptly in the Club publication. Any action taken by the Board of Directors, except action taken under the provisions of Article VII, and any action taken by the Board of Directors, except action taken under the provisions of Article VII, shall be brought promptly to the voting membership of the Club for decision by mail ballot if a petition for that purpose is submitted to the Secretary within 30 days after the first day of the month following the month in which Minutes of the meeting or notice of the Board action is published. Said petition must be signed by a least 20 percent of the regular membership as constituted on the first day of the month in which the Minutes of the meeting or notice of the Board action is published in the Club publication. |