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Section I Club Year.
The Club’s fiscal year shall begin on the first day of October and end on the thirtieth day of September. Section II Election Year. Elections to the posts of Officers or Board of Directors are to be held Bi-annually. An office is held for e term of two years. During such election years the Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall, if qualified, take office immediately as the last order of business at the Annual Meeting and each retiring Officer and member of the Board of Directors shall, within thirty days thereafter, turn over to his or her successor in office all properties and records relating to that office. Section III Nominations {a} The Board of Directors shall before June first appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members and two alternates, not more than one of whom shall be a member of the Board. The Secretary shall immediately notify the committee and alternates of their selection. The Board shall name a chairperson for the committee, and shall be that persons duty to call a committee meeting which shall be held on or before the first day of July. The committee shall nominate on candidate for each of the Club offices, and, after securing the consent of each person so nominated, shall immediately report their nominations to the Secretary in writing. {b} Upon receipt of the nominating committee’s report, the Secretary shall mail the list of nominees to each voting member of the Club no later than July tenth. {c} Additional nominations may be made from among qualified members by written petition addressed to the Secretary and received at the Secretary’s regular address on or before August tenth, signed by at least ten voting members, and accompanied by the written acceptance of such additional nominee signifying his or her willingness to serve if elected. {d} No person shall be a candidate at the same time for more than one elective office or position on the Board of Directors, nor shall he or she be the incumbent at the same time in more than one office or position on the Board of Directors, but upon appointment to a second position on the Board of Directors shall resign his or hers first position upon acceptance of the appointment. Section IV Elections shall be conducted by mail in accordance with the provision of Article V. When there are two or more candidates for a particular Board position, the person receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. Where there are no additional nominations made by petition, no voting procedure shall be required, and at the Annual meeting the slate or any unopposed nominee thereon presented by the Nominating Committee shall be declares unanimously elected. |