Her Sire
Revolution Alyst, a true black with an incredible fine, crimpy fibre
with luster. His sire Messiah Alyst - half Accoyo, maintained a micron
of 25 at 6 years of age. Revolution has fineness and uniformity with a
wonderful staple length.
• 2005 Fibre Stats: 20.5, SD 3.9, CV 19, >30 2.2
• 2007 Fibre stats: AFD 23, SD 5.1 & CV 21.7
Show results:
First in class at SAAS, April 2005
Second in class Canadian National, April 2005
First in class at CABA Fleece Show, June 2005
First in class & Reserve Best of Age, Chilliwack, August 2005
First in Class & Grand Champion Black Male Pacific Coast Show 2006