RBA Esprit

Brown Huacaya
DOB – June 26, 2002
ARI – 30008184
CLAA – 27880 H
Sire – HPR Monarch New Zealand
Dam – HPR Destiny
Esprit is a big, beautiful, brown female with very dark pigment.

She has excellent conformation and soft, dense fleece. Her first histogram will be done at the time of shearing. She is a laid back female and blends in nicely with the other girls.

Esprit is a proven mother and has been bred to Botan IV for a summer 2007 cria.


2007 : Mean 24.26, SD 5.19, CV 21.4, comfort factor 91.2, spin fineness 23.7

Service Sire 


DOB – June 1, 2000
ARI – 825071
CLAA – 20809
Sire – Solar De Peru S202
Dam – Senora Panda
Botan is a big boned very Macho male. He has extreme density and shears over 12 lbs of fleece each year. We are expecting colour.

Esprit is so laid back she often eats laying down


Esprit was bred to Botan IV and gave birth to Ellie on June 6, 2007.

Ellie on September 11, 2007
Esprit has been bred to Conclusive for a June 2008 cria.
Price - $10,000 for three alpacas