Esprit and John get their noses treated with my new amazing hair growing salve.
March 2, 2009

Oliver and his girlfriend Belle. Jan 2009

You would never know this is Oliver. He wanted a hair cut on shearing day just like the alpacas.
He is taking it all very seriously and hasn't quite decided if he likes his new look. April 26, 2008

Ruby is making sure she has an all over tan on October 2, 2007

"Close your eyes mom and I'll watch over you."
Octavia and Odesy on August 12, 2007


Esprit continues to be a resourceful girl.
She has learned how to eat and keep cool at the same time! July 10, 2007

Yes, alpaca fleece is indeed warmer and softer than sheep fleece.
April 2007

Oliver loves the women.
April 19, 2007

I'd kiss you on your lips but your collar is in the way.
Flirt and Mathew, February 17, 2007

Sometimes we are so relaxed from our stress free environment that we eat laying down. December 5, 2006

How many alpacas does it take to fill a pool?   Oct. 8,2006

Mayonaise and her new friend Olivia contemplate life

Flirt knows that the grass is always greener on the other side

"Since we are here, please get rid of our competition. Sister and Flirt" Summer 2006