
Int. Hungarian, Can, UKC, & Am Ch Suomi�s Born To Be Wild, CGC
European Winner 2008
Date of Birth: 11-02-2003
DNA Profile V474775

OFA:  FNS 272E31FPI 'Excellent"
Patellar:  FNS-PA53/31F/P-PI
Elbows: FNS-EL87F31-PI

Mekka started showing at the age of six month receiving her American Kennel Club Championship at the age of one. Mekka a World traveler visiting in Canada and Europe with Jo Acton. Mekka has been traveling all over the world the last two years. For the last four years she has qualified to show at Crufts with invites from not only the United States by also by winning in Europe.
Mekka will continue to be shown in various parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. We look forward for her to have a great time no matter where she is.


Ch Suomi's IKE Of Ukkonen, CGC Int. & Am Ch Finkkila's Kamu, CGC 
Int. & Am Ch Finkkila's Flikka Stone, CGC
Ch Ukkoherran Taika
Ch Finkkila's Norskette
Ch Finkkila's Virkku
Ch Finkkila's Red River
Ch Finkkila's Stormy IceCaps, CGC Ch Jasmir
Ch Finkkila's Arctic Stormy 
Finkkila's Veli
Ch Finkkila's Kura