2004 - 2nd quarter

Speedy�s first puppy to hit the show ring, Windwalker Secret Agent (Sean), got his first points the weekend of June 19 and 20, in Lafayette, LA, and went Best of Winners both days. This was his second weekend out. His first weekend in the show ring was at Lake Charles, LA, June 5 and 6, and Sean went Reserve Winners Dog to a 4 point major both days from the puppy class.
Topper won Breed both days in Lafayette over a Top 10 ranked special.
Mia won Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex on Sunday.
At the Sunday show in Lafayette, Windwalker won Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex.

Luke got his third specialty win the end of May at the Badgerland Miniature Pinscher Club Specialty.

MPCA Top 20 rankings May 1 :  Luke is #8 and Topper is #9.