Once again, Luke's 2004
Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed win made him a very
popular Miniature Pinscher and put him in the news in
Japan. I received a call from a writer for one of the
top dog magazines in Japan asking me if she could send some
questions about Luke for me to answer to obtain information
that she could use for an article in her magazine. She also
wanted photos from him as a puppy. That is when I realized I
took very few puppy photos. The article appeared in the
magazine's July 2004 issue. I kept my English version of the
questions and answers so I could remember what I said.
However, I thought I'd list the Japanese version just for
fun |

(read) look at the
article |
in looking through the copy of the Japanese magazine sent to
me, I noticed an ad with Luke's sister "Lettie". I believe
it may be advertising an upcoming breeding as it also showed
a stud dog on the same page. |

look at the
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